Where does one begin a blog? For me this is a visual journal, and a place to share what I have seen. Photography of all kinds inspires me, and it is my hope that I can somehow inspire others. With that in mind, I've decided to share some images from a personal project that I have been working on for the last year and a half. I have a little house in North Carolina, where I go to escape my hectic life in Los Angeles. I always take my camera, and on a whim one morning as I looked at the beautiful light streaming in my bedroom window and across my bed, I shot the first image of what has become my project. From there, I grabbed my favorite white cotton gown, and hung it in the window. As I clicked away frame after frame, trying to catch the great light that was happening, I decided then and there, that these would be the first of a series of my quiet life in the little house on Broad Street.